Solutions that minimize an individual's dependency on #systems of oppression.

When I consider all that has happened over the past few days, months, years, and centuries - I can't help but think about SOLUTIONS.

More specifically, long-term solutions that minimize an individual's dependency on #systems of oppression.

One clear way is to have a skillset that allows you to 'write your own ticket'. If you have skills that everyone wants and needs, you can set your price.

You can work for yourself, employ the underemployed, and refuse to work for entities that don't support your value system.

Power in the present and future will gravitate towards those that can master algorithms. The AI programmers, the aerospace engineers, the biomedical engineers, the content creators. The #STEAM folks.

Many of the recent viral campaigns around senseless murders were ENGINEERED. Built by caring people that understand how to create necessary movements in the #digital age.

Many do not know: I began my #STEM work with the goal of empowering young people to acquire these skills, because this is how THEY can build a future where their opinions - and lives, MUST be considered.

Teach your kids STEM skills, give them the FREEDOM to build their own systems.

#stemeducation #teach #educate #k12education #empower

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#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education