I knew I was hungry and going to do *something* though.

This was me at 21 years old.

I just started my first job in tech, and had no clarity about my next moves. I knew I was hungry and going to do *something* though.

I'd go on to:

-Identify my passions (Science, Tech, Speaking, Media and Education)

-Start Multiple Businesses around them (Mr. Fascinate, Voice-Over Business, STEM Success Summit, etc.)

-Replace my work income entirely

-Outsource parts of my business that I suck at

Here are a few things I would tell my younger self:

1) Don't force trying to work with people that aren't invested in working with you. You'll be chasing them forever. Send two follow-ups, then a "break-up" message if they don't respond and move on. Sometimes they come back around- extend grace, but don't forget.

2) Capture every moment - you'll appreciate all of it. Even the ugliest and most uncomfortable parts of your journey are immensely valuable. Craft your narrative, and tell your story authentically- the good, the bad and the ugly.

3) You can spend the same amount of time "bargain hunting" (ie discounts, sales, coupons) as you do figuring out how to make more money. Sometimes it's worth it to invest a few extra bucks for quality - People/entities with big budgets take notice and respect you more.

4) You don't have to pitch/prove yourself to everyone. Only the *right* people - your target demographic. Find out who those people are. Obsess over their interests and desires.

5) Teamwork makes the dreamwork. Your visions are bigger than you. Remove your ego and find DOPE people with similar drive, a similar mission and complementary skillsets to build with ASAP.

I'm still in my 20s and still building, but I hope this helps people of all ages who might be seeking clarity! Let me know which ones are your favorites and why!

#science #education #business #people #tech #media

For more details, please visit justinshaifer.com.

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education