I had my first EVER therapy session.

Last week, I had my first EVER therapy session.

After two years of putting it off and making excuses, I finally secured a therapist!

The narrative around therapy, specifically for black men, has changed substantially since my childhood in Chicago.

We might be more open to the *idea* of therapy, but may still put off taking the steps for various reasons including:

1) Difficult to justify returns on our investment of time, energy and $

2) We aren't "sick" or "needy"

3) Pride

I'm taking a detour from my usual #STEM content to let anyone who needs to hear this know that you don't have to wait.

You don't have to *need* it, and you have an opportunity to grow in ways you currently can't imagine.

I plan to share more updates on this journey in the coming months. Truly hope this helps someone!

#investment #opportunity #energy #therapy

For more details, please visit justinshaifer.com.

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education