You cannot be what you cannot see!

You cannot be what you cannot see!

It's extremely important that #students today don't believe that only the "#nerds with good grades" can succeed in #STEM careers. I certainly didn't get good grades in high school.

In fact, STEM fields today have huge demand for creatives, divergent thinkers, people with interpersonal skills, and folks with great aesthetic taste!

Sometimes lighting that spark for STEM in a student's mind boils down to #exposure. Once they see someone who looks like them, how cool the career is, or how much #money they can make, then they often become intrinsically motivated to figure things out on their own.

Had a blast sharing a relatable STEM message at the Kansas City Royals Urban Youth Academy at ASTEAM VILLAGE INC 's event!

They are doing some incredible work!

#school #work #people

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#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education