World Congress of Science and Factual Producers

I'll never be the same after attending World Congress of Science and Factual Producers , an international conference about Science Media production.

I'm now aware of the scope and scale of opportunities that exist to tell diverse stories about innovation across the globe.

I'm now aware of pathways to scaling my brand and company with cutting-edge storytelling technology.

I'm now aware of the deep value proposition of diversity, that has been fundamentally lacking in these spaces for decades and in science for hundreds of years.

I'm scratching the surface of understanding the hunger of thousands of creative professionals across the globe, itching to tell their stories in their own way.

I've returned to the US in a reflective state. For most of December I'll remain dormant and begin setting things in motion at the top of the year.

I'm thinking big, I'm thinking global and I'm excited to embark on this journey!

#innovation #technology #opportunities #science #creative #media #diversity

For more details, please visit

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education