Wanna get paid to #speak?

Wanna get paid to #speak? Consider the following comparison:

Who do you think has higher demand for speaking engagements, George Bush or a #Toastmasters World Champion speaker?

A Toastmasters World Champion is the cream of the crop of public speakers. They compete with thousands of people to win this title. How much do you think they get paid to speak? How in-demand are they a decade after their championship year?

George Bush, not known for his speaking ability, makes $100,000-175,000 per speech. He's done ~200 speeches since 2009 - amounting to an estimated $30 million in Speaking Fees - because he is a former U.S. #President.

The Clintons and Obamas may command up to $400,000 per speech.

When I first started speaking, I thought 10 years of speaking #experience at age 22 was enough to attract attention.

I now realize the speaking circuit is biased towards people with #notoriety, and you don’t have to be a great speaker!

If you want requests for paid speaking, it's less about how well you speak, and more about the weight your words hold given your #credentials.

#keynote #speakers #publicspeaking #success

For more details, please visit justinshaifer.com.

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