UAG Technology School

Most commencement #speeches I've heard weren't for people like me.

Or at least I didn't feel like they were.

They were usually given by someone who was disconnected, either racially, socioeconomically or age-wise. Even if they gave great advice, they didn't speak 'my language', and were tuned out as a result.

As I prepared for this commencement speech at UAG #Technology School, I recalled traits of past mentors with whom I most closely connected.

They were usually people I resembled, who were 3-5 years older than me.

Old enough to respect, young enough to understand. That's the #energy I brought to this speech. Had so much fun connecting with these students on a REAL level!

Thanks so much UAG Technology School for the opportunity!

#mentoring #speech #stem #tech

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#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education