The first pic is our #STEM workshop session

The first pic is our #STEM workshop session at 9:57... 3 minutes before it started.

Instead of being upset about it, Dr. Nehemiah J. Mabry, P.E. and I laughed; then decided to take a grassroots approach.

We walked into the hallway and enthusiastically promoted our session to anyone who would listen. Turns out- it wasn't the #conference's fault at all!

#Students were lingering around, unsure which session to pick!

It's safe to say we were pretty convincing: The second pic is our #workshop session 10 minutes later. A full house!

There's a huge #entrepreneurship lesson here:

When you begin a new venture, you'll have little traction, few connections, and even fewer people who believe in your ability to succeed.

At this point, it's most important that YOU believe in your vision. Your enthusiasm- your ability to "sell" your vision to people- will be infectious. IF you believe, and start producing results, eventually others will too. That's how a movement starts!

Our workshop session on STEM + Entrepreneurship was a smash hit! Can't wait to do it 10x bigger next year!

Thanks AAAS for allowing us to share our thought-provoking session to researchers!

#keynote #linkedintopvoices #tech #tedx #speaker #entrepreneurial

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#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education