STEM education

I've been freestyling my entire life.

This may come as a surprise to some, but I've never had a morning routine, or been committed to any personal regiment outside of running, and even that commitment was inconsistent.

For the past 2 years as I've aggressively pursued my dreams in #STEM education, I was reactive, waking up around my first scheduled phone call or meeting.

After a conversation with friends, I've decided to destroy my reactive habits.

I've studied top 1% world leaders for years and almost all of them have a mindfulness practice, or at the very least discipline their minds to commit to a routine.

I have decided to conquer my habits and gain more control over my mind and productivity. Proud to announce that I am 2 days into a morning meditation routine!

To my friends with routines: How do you all keep it up? Let me know if you all have incentives to keep things going! I want to take this to the next level!

#selfcare #mindfulness #meditation #leader #business

For more details, please visit

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education