I MC'd the #Google Code Next Hackathon.

A few weeks ago I MC'd the #Google Code Next Hackathon.

After a few fun but embarrassing moments, I taught these brilliant young coders a lesson about #presentation.

Software #engineers, #scientists and the like have developed a reputation for being notoriously poor communicators.

We get so deep in our work, so lost in our jargon, that we forget to break things down in simple language. We forget to answer the practical question, "Why does this #experiment or #app matter for your audience?"

A telltale example is the tragedy of penicillin, where a life-saving discovery sat trapped in a jargon-heavy academic paper for a decade before it reached mainstream.

Presentation of brilliant ideas is JUST as important as the idea!

#speakers #science #stem #conferencespeake #keynotespeaker #media #conference #robots

For more details, please visit justinshaifer.com.

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education