I frequently find myself preoccupied with a wide variety of desires.

As an ambitious multipassionate person, I frequently find myself preoccupied with a wide variety of desires. These competing desires can make me feel unfocused and unhappy.

As I'm approaching my 30s and coming to terms with how finite my #energy is, I have learned to concentrate it on what's most appropriate.

The key, for me, has been MINIMIZING my amount of desires.

As an ambitious person, it's tough for me to accept an idea of wanting absolutely NOTHING. But I find myself immensely focused when I take time to evaluate the 1-2 things I want THE MOST, and part ways with EVERYTHING ELSE.

If I want a car, a house, a commercial property, an 8-figure business, a healthy investment portfolio, etc. but choose to accept a delay in the pursuit of property and investments, I can maximize my focus on the car and the business.

Prioritize your desires and let go of the superfluous ones!

#investment #business #property

For more details, please visit justinshaifer.com.

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education