I autographed over 200 posters

I autographed over 200 posters this morning in Columbus Ohio after a keynote about #STEM for #students! Such a fun group!

A few major takeaways:

1) STEM is more than a #degree, it's a mindset.

Our earliest experiences of science often involve rote memorization, like determining the difference between igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Students today need to understand that you can use stem #skills to solve almost any modern problem. To have a STEM mindset is to have a problem solving mindset.

2) STEM isn't just for super #smart kids with straight As.

I shared my journey as a student with less than mediocre grades to becoming a top STEM student and leader.

Students need to understand that today's fields require creative, emotionally intelligent and dynamic people from all walks of life to succeed in STEM.

3) Want to succeed? Build a prototype.

What's the cheapest, easiest proof of concept you can build and put in front the person who can change your life?

Find your prototype today and build it! Any other tips I should share with students? Many more keynotes to come!

#science #mindset #creative

For more details, please visit justinshaifer.com.

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education