How are we rethinking #education to meet these changes in learning?

Self-directed learning isn't the #future, it's the present.

I have 0 design experience on my resume.

0 certifications, 0 internships and 0 degrees in design.

My #degree is in marine and environmental #science.

I designed this Iron Man mask from scratch, while observing pictures from the #internet.

How did I acquire these skills? #YouTube University. For free.

I started #learning in 2016.

Imagine if I started teaching myself graphic #design at 10 years old?

Well, that's what today's #students can do; whether it be editing #videos, #coding, photography, or tying a tie, everyone can use the internet to learn!

How are we rethinking #education to meet these changes in learning?

For more details, please visit

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