Great Keynote Speech Checklist

Great Keynote Speech Checklist ✅

This weekend, I virtually attended the AI for Good Summit and saw a fascinating keynote by Aza Raskin about the Earth Species Project, which uses machine learning to decode animal languages and sounds.

I analyzed his keynote and created checklist you can use for crafting a powerful keynote speech:

✅Attention grabber - Open a loop in the beginning

✅Appeals to authority on subject - What experience qualifies you to teach us about this topic?

✅Making it personal - Why are you personally interested in teaching us this?

✅Narrative Arc - What is the main story you're trying to tell? Include conflict, tension, resolution

✅Stories within stories - What twists and turns can you take your viewer on throughout your talk?

✅Powerful data points - What's a fact you learned in your experience that we wouldn't expect? What myth-busting can you do? How does this augment your larger point?

✅Well-dressed speaker - The rules on this have changed a lot post covid- dress for your target audience and venue, just ensure your outfit of choice communicates what you want

✅Visually interesting slides - Reduce text to a few words, include provocative images, GIFs, BUT don't make it overstimulating

✅Humor / misdirection - Keep the audience on their toes with well-timed humor

✅Interactive elements - Ask audience to figure out what's missing in a photo, or analyze information in real time. Greatly increases their focus on your content

✅Close the loop at the end. Bring your talk full circle by closing a loop you opened in the beginning.

Check out this link to see Aza's full talk:

For more details, please visit

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education