ECSC Conference at Sacred Heart University

As a speaker at the ECSC Conference at Sacred Heart University, I had the pleasure of sharing insights on the significance of storytelling in #science #research with over 250 #undergraduates.

In the current era of #misinformation, fake news, #AI generation, and social media scams, we discussed #tools that can be leveraged to combat such issues.

The response was fantastic, and it was evident that the topic resonated with the audience.

In particular, the takeaway message that "Sharing research is as vital as discovering it" struck a chord with many attendees.

It's not uncommon for #scientists and other #STEM professionals to get caught up in the minutiae of their research, often neglecting to disseminate their findings to the world. This is where storytelling comes in, and it's a skill that is just as crucial as any technical expertise in the field.

By sharing your research in an engaging and relatable way, you can build support for your work, attract funding, and inspire others to pursue scientific inquiry. Moreover, by doing so, you can help combat misinformation and contribute to a more informed and fact-based public discourse.

If you're a STEM professional, it's essential to recognize the value of storytelling in your work. Attend events like the ECSC Conference, seek out opportunities to share your research with the wider public, and invest in developing your skills as a science communicator.

Remember, sharing research is just as vital as discovering it!

For more details, please visit

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education