Check out these crazy STEM facts about NYC

Cities are treasure troves of STEM facts. Science isn't exclusively in the wild!

Check out these crazy STEM facts about NYC:

1) There are microscopic shrimp called copepods living rent free in NYC's drinking water. You drink them all the time! 🍤

2) Albert Einstein's eyeballs are stored in a safe deposit box in the city. 👁

3) Hog Island, a one-mile-long island south of Rockaway Beach, was never seen again after the hurricane of 1893. Manhattan actually is at serious risk also. At current sea level rise trends, 37% of Manhattan will be exposed to storm surges by 2050. 🌊

4) There are "fake" buildings in the city that are used for subway maintenance and ventilation. 🚉🏭

I know, that shrimp thing is pretty unsettling 🥴. They are completely harmless though!

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