Celebrating a MAJOR milestone today!

Celebrating a MAJOR milestone today!

I hit my #revenue goal for the entire year... in October!

At the end of every year, I create 3 SMART goals for the next 12 months. Because I work on so many different #STEM projects throughout the year, these goals give me a "north star" with tangible deliverables.

#SMART stands for specific, measureable, attainable, realistic and time-constrained.

An example of a SMART goal is "Produce 3 Science #TV Shows by the end of the year".

A goal like this has a clear target that you can work backwards from, producing "mini smart goals" like "Create 10 TV show pitches" in the process.

I've effectively gamified the path to achieving each SMART goal in a spreadsheet, and I am incentivized to check on my progress 2-3x/week.

How do you ensure you're making tangible progress toward your goals?

#work #projects #tech #science #business #entrepreneurship

For more details, please visit justinshaifer.com.

#STEM #AI #KeynoteSpeaker #Education